Thursday 23 November 2017

If only... - ・・・だったら良かったのに-

I read today that a graduate of Oxford University, who got an upper second class degree, is suing the university for a million pounds because he didn’t get a first class degree.  He is not claiming that there was any mistake in the marking of his exam papers or essays.  He just claims that he should have been taught better so that he could have gotten a first class degree.  He is unemployed now and thinks that he would have earned much more money if he had gotten the top degree award.
I wonder if perhaps he should have just studied harder instead of blaming his teachers for ruining his life?  We could all look back and say “If only...” but maybe we should take some responsibility for our own failings.
Failings?  Most people would be delighted with a second class degree from one of the top universities in the world.  Stop complaining and go out and find a job!
But in case he wins I am preparing three lawsuits of my own.
If only chocolate covered almonds weren’t so delicious, I wouldn’t have toothache.  I am going to sue Meiji chocolatiers for 1 thousand pounds for damaging my teeth.
If only the Scottish football team hadn’t been so rubbish over the last twenty years, I could have met beautiful Brazilians and Italians at the World Cup and been happy.  I am going to sue the Scottish Football Association for 1 million pounds for making me so depressed.
If only my nursery school teacher had been Bill Gates, I would have learned computer programming before everyone else.  I am going to sue my nursery school for 1 billion pounds for not giving me the chance to conquer the world like Mark Zuckerberg.
If only I had bought that lottery ticket...

a degree – a qualification given by a university or college for completing a course of study
to sue – to challenge in a court of law; to try to get money in damages from a person or company
to claim something – to say that something is true when the facts are in question
unemployed – without having a job
to ruin something – to spoil something; to make something worthless
a failing – a weakness, especially in a person’s character
a lawsuit – a legal action to get money in damages
a nursery school – a school for very young children, before primary (elementary) school


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