Thursday 22 February 2018

Wating for the cow guru to arise -牛の教祖の登場を待っていること-

“Nobody [thought] it, nobody knew
No one imagined the great cow guru:
Cows are one!

[They] knocked over a tractor and ran for the door.

Six gallons of gas flowed out on the floor:
Run cows, run.”

From the Dana Lyons song, “Cows with guns”
Maybe cows are more intelligent than they look.
This week a cow in Poland made headlines with a daring escape.  The cow was being put into a truck bound for the slaughterhouse.  To avoid being loaded onto the vehicle, the cow broke the arm of a farm worker and got away by barging through a metal fence.
Although the owner tried to recapture the animal, it escaped by swimming to an island in the middle of a lake.  When fire-fighters arrived with a boat, the cow managed to swim away from them again.
It sounds like a pretty smart animal to me.
Humans can be oddly paradoxical.  How did Polish people react to the news of the cow’s escape?  Of course there was a huge campaign to save the animal.  The farm owner started leaving food on the island for it.  A local politician promised to help save it, saying that the cow was a “hero”.  When someone suggested allowing a hunter to shoot the animal, there were howls of protest.
But I’ll bet that most of these people eat beef, and will continue to eat beef.
Poor cows.  It’s a hard life when you are raised as food.  I hope that one day, as in the song “Cows with guns”, a great cow guru will arise and lead her people to freedom.
And yet I will also probably eat a beef-burger again.  But maybe not for a while.

daring – of an action, bold and adventurous
to be bound for – of a vehicle, heading towards; intending to go to
to barge through something – to push forcefully through something
paradoxical – seemingly contradictory or not logically consistent
a howl – a loud cry

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