Wednesday 14 August 2019

I Asked to Live Forever ー永遠に生きることを頼んだー

I asked to live forever,
But I forgot to ask for eternal youth.
As my back bent and my teeth fell out,
Merciful God, you let me try again.

I asked to live forever,
And have eternal youth,
But I forgot to ask for a body hard as stone.
As my bones were smashed by a wayward Toyota Corolla,
Merciful God, you let me try again.

I asked to live forever,
And have eternal youth,
And a body hard as stone,
But I forgot to ask for an immortal, eternally young girlfriend as hard as stone.
As humanity died, and I sat weeping from loneliness,
Merciful God, you let me try again.

I asked to live forever,
And have eternal youth,
And a body hard as stone,
And an immortal, eternally young girlfriend as hard as stone.
When I found her with a young postman who was as hard as stone,
Merciful God, I went to the Devil.

He offered me a life that would end,
Youth that would bloom and fade like flower petals,
Tender flesh to know both caress and bruise,
And a big dog that hates postmen.
Merciful God, forgive me, for I decided to give it a go.


eternal – without end; lasting forever

merciful – having forgiveness or showing sympathy to someone being judged

wayward – not following the correct rules, but going in its own (incorrect) way

a petal – the soft, coloured leaves on a flower, designed to attract insects or birds

a caress – a stroke, or physical sign of affection or love

a bruise – a black or blue part of the skin, caused by an injury

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