Thursday 27 August 2020

Fried Chicken and Elephants ーフライドチキンと象さん- 

I saw two interesting stories this week about food.

The first was about how the coronavirus pandemic has forced Kentucky Fried Chicken to change their advertising slogan.  For years, their adverts have shown people enjoying their portions of fried chicken so much that they lick the flavour from their fingers.  The slogan says, “Finger Licking Good!”  But when KFC released a new advert showing people licking their fingers this year, hundreds of people complained. Many people felt that KFC were encouraging bad hygiene habits, which were inappropriate during a health crisis.  So KFC withdrew the advert, and stopped using their “Finger Licking Good!” slogan.  I wonder what their new slogan will be?  “Very tasty, but please wash your hands carefully before eating, and never lick another person’s fingers!” 

The other story was about elephants in a zoo in Poland. One of the elephants died recently, and the other elephants have been feeling grief and stress ever since.  So the zoo keepers have decided to try to make the elephants feel better by putting cannabis in their food.  This drug, which is also known as marijuana, can make people feel calm and at peace with the world.  It can also be a little addictive.  How will it affect the elephants?  Trunk Licking Good? 


a portion – of a meal, one person’s share, or enough food for one person

to lick something – to run one’s tongue over something, for example to enjoy the taste of ice-cream without biting it

hygiene–conditions which promote health and the absence of disease, such as cleaning carefully

to be addictive – to be hard to stop, or habit-forming, such as cigarette-smoking or gambling

an elephant’s trunk – the long nose of an elephant, which can also be used to pick up food

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