Thursday 10 December 2020

Dougal -ドゥーガル-

In a comedy series set in the home of three Irish Catholic priests, there was once a very silly scene.  The drunk priest is snoring in the corner.  The clever priest is sitting next to a window with the stupid priest.  Outside the window, some cows are chewing the grass. 

The clever priest holds up a tiny little plastic cow, and shows it to Dougal, the stupid priest.  “This cow is small,” he says.  He points out of the window.  “That cow is far away.” 

Dougal tries to understand, but can’t get it. “But they both look the same size!” 

I remembered this scene when I took my son to the top of Nerima ward office.  We went up to the twentieth floor, and looked out of the windows.  My wife pointed out Tokyo Sky Tree in the distance. 

“Did you know that that’s the biggest tower in Japan?” she asked. 

“No, it’s not!  Our tower is bigger!” insisted my son.  “Look!  Tokyo Sky Tree is very small!” 

It must be nice to be four years old.  There is so much still to learn and understand about the world.



to snore – to make a loud sound through your nose when you are asleep

to insist – to refuse to back down or accept another person’s opinion or suggestion


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