Thursday 6 January 2022

The Little Sumo and the Gingerbread Dragon, part 2 -小さなお相撲さんとジンジャーブレッドの竜 パート2-

In part 1, the Little Sumo, Mummy and Daddy were on holiday, driving in their browney-orange car.  The Little Sumo thought he saw an orangey-brown dragon in the sky, but Mummy and Daddy didn’t see it, and didn’t believe him.  Mummy parked the car to let Daddy enter a betting shop.  While the Little Sumo and Mummy were waiting for him to return, they heard a strange noise coming from behind their car.


The Little Sumo looked round, out of the back windscreen.  “Mummy, look!” he said.

Trotting down the street was a huge white horse.  On its back was a knight in shining armour, carrying a bright and long lance.

He spotted their mud-spattered, browny-orange car and gave a great shout.  “Huzzah!  I’ve got you now and you won’t escape my steel!”

The knight flipped his visor down and lowered his lance, pointing the deadly end forward.  Then his horse came on at speed, charging towards the Little Sumo and Mummy in their car.


Part 2:

The Little Sumo saw the knight and the horse getting closer to the car, the knight’s weapon pointing towards the windscreen, right where he was sitting.  He heard Mummy turning on the engine of the car and getting ready to move it.  But she would be too late to escape.

Just then Daddy came running out of the betting shop towards the car, waving excitedly.  “I’ve won!  I’ve won!” he shouted.  He hadn’t noticed the charging horse now coming towards him.

“Whoah!” shouted the knight, lifting his lance to avoid hitting Daddy.  The horse suddenly slowed and came to a stop by jumping and raising its forelegs into the air, halting just in front of Daddy, who looked very surprised.

Unfortunately, the sudden movement of the horse caused the knight to fall backward and off the horse.  He landed with a huge metal clunk on the pavement.

Mummy opened the car doors, and she, the Little Sumo and Daddy all walked towards the fallen knight.

“Are you all right?” asked Daddy.

“What were you doing?  You could have killed us!” demanded Mummy.

“Why are you wearing metal clothes?” asked the Little Sumo.

The knight scrambled to his feet.  “Be careful, Sir!” he said.  “You walked right in front of the ginger dragon!”  He pointed behind Daddy, at the browney-orange car.

Mummy looked round.  “That’s not a ginger dragon,” she said.  “It’s our orange car.”

“With brown mud on it,” added the Little Sumo.

The knight lifted his face visor so that he could see more clearly.  “Oh, yes.  It’s a browney-orange car.  You are right.”

While the knight stood, looking at the car in some embarrassment, Daddy took the opportunity to pull a large wad of green paper bills out of his pocket, and wave them in the air.  “Hey Mummy, Little Sumo – look at all the money I won!”

“Never mind your bad gambling habit just now, Daddy” said Mummy.  “I want to know about this ginger dragon.”

The knight looked at Mummy.  “You must be visitors here, if you haven’t heard about the ginger dragon,” he said.  “In recent days he has been terrorising the inhabitants of this town.  He is very greedy for money.  When the dragon sees a rich looking victim, he threatens to eat them if they don’t hand over their money and valuables.  Like all dragons, he is building a hoard of treasure.  So the frightened townsfolk hired me, a professional dragonslayer, to find this ginger dragon and bring him to justice!  I thought your browney-orange car was the dragon for a moment there.  And that’s why I’m wearing these metal clothes, young man,” he said to the Little Sumo.  “This is armor, to protect my body from the bite of the dragon.”

“Have you beaten many dragons?” asked the Little Sumo.

“Ah…” said the knight, “This will be the first.  I used to be an accountant.  I’m kind of new to the dragonslaying business, really.  I wanted to spend less time in an office, and do more work outdoors.”

Just then a shadow passed overhead.  There was a huge rushing of wind, which almost blew the Little Sumo off his feet.  Daddy clutched desperately to the money in his hand to prevent it from being blown away.  There was a loud thump, which caused the ground to shake.  Everyone stared as a huge ginger dragon landed in the street, just next to Mummy and Daddy’s car.

“Umm…” said the knight.  “Although being an accountant wasn’t such a bad job, really.”

The dragon’s neck twisted and it stared down at the group with its terrible, reptilian eyes.  It opened its mouth, revealing two rows of very sharp teeth.


Oh dear!  Will the Little Sumo soon become dragon food?  Will Daddy get to enjoy the money he has just won?  Find out next time!


to halt – to bring or come to an abrupt stop

a wad – a bundle or roll of paper or bank notes

a bill – a note; paper money

a hoard – a stock or store of money or valuable objects, typically one which is secret or carefully guarded

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