Friday 20 May 2022

Give Me a Grandchild, or Give Me Death! -我に孫を与えよ、しからずんば死を!-

“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

The opening line of Leo Tolstoy’s novel, “Anna Karenina” 

It was revealed this week that an ageing Indian couple - 61 and 57 - are suing their only son and his wife.  The reason that they are demanding around 525,000 Pounds in compensation is “mental cruelty”.  Their son and his wife, who are 35 and 31 respectively, have been married for six years, and still have no plans to start a family. 

The ageing Indian couple are so desperate to enjoy playing with a grandchild that they are demanding back the costs of educating and supporting their son financially if a grandchild is not produced within the next year. 

Even if this strategy of maximum pressure is successful in forcing their son and daughter-in-law to have a child, it is hard to imagine the couple bringing the baby round to its grandparents to play.  Who knows what crazy tactics Grandma and Grandpa would use next? 

“Look at the baby, Dad.  Isn’t he cute!” 

Grandpa pulls out a gun.  “Son, you know that I’ve always wanted two grandchildren… Now take your clothes off.”



alike – the same

compensation – money given to a person who has been unfairly hurt or has suffered unfair damage

[A] and [B] are [C] and [D] respectively – [A] is [C], and [B] is [D]; [A] and [B] are [C] and [D] in the same order as is written


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