Thursday 25 August 2022

Hello Kyogo Furuhashi, Farewell Toothbrush-Biter -こんにちは古橋亨梧、さようなら歯ブラシを嚙みまくる人-

It was my son’s sixth birthday recently. 

My wife had the idea of encouraging him to leave some of his rebellious or challenging behaviour behind now that he has turned six.  She got him to write down “having temper tantrums” and “biting my toothbrush” on pieces of paper.  Then she had him tear up the paper and throw it in the bin.  It was like a little ceremony.  The idea is that it should help him stop having temper tantrums and biting his toothbrush.  I hope it has some effect!  We have to buy a new toothbrush for him every month because he can’t stop biting them. 

One of his favourite presents was from my parents in Scotland.  My local Scottish football team has several Japanese players now, including Kyogo Furuhashi.  Unfortunately no one at the nursery seems to know him. 

We got through another birthday without giving him a computer or computer games.  He still likes running around wild, pretending to fight monsters, and biting toothbrushes.  I wonder if this will still be true on his seventh birthday?


a temper tantrum – a childish display of sudden, uncontrollable anger


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