Thursday 24 November 2022

Turning Japanese -日本人になっていく-

Congratulations to Japan for beating Germany at the football World Cup last night. 

I sat up and listened to the commentary of the match.  And I noticed something interesting. 

I got very emotionally involved in the match, pumping my fist in joy when Japan scored and getting nervous when Germany attacked.  Until now, I have only become emotionally involved for my club side, Celtic, and my home country, Scotland. 

It is about 19 years since I first came to Japan.  Now I am finally turning Japanese.  I wonder what caused the change in my attitude.  Was it having a son here, who will probably identify more with Japan than with Scotland?  Did I finally eat so many Meiji chocolate covered almonds that it has affected my d.n.a.? 

Gambare, Nihon!


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