Thursday 15 December 2022

Lots of Love, Mr. President -大統領へ、愛をこめて-

It must be hard to be a world leader.  There are so many things you have to understand, from foreign affairs to economics, from policing to media relations.  And if you make even the slightest mistake, you will be blamed by your country’s angry citizens.  Surely only a fool would apply for such a difficult job. 

That must be why so many world leaders appear foolish. 

I had to laugh when I heard Joe Biden begin a speech by saying, “Let me begin with two words: Made in America!” 

It is hard to appear more foolish than George W. Bush.  One of his many gaffes was this: “If you are a single mother with children, which is the toughest job in America as far as I am concerned, then you are trying hard to put food on your family.” 

But I think my favourite gaffe was from former British Prime Minister David Cameron.  It was recently revealed that for years he signed off his emails and texts with “lol! David.”  He thought that “lol” stood for “lots of love.”  In fact, it stands for “laughing out loud.” 

So, the Prime Minister must have sent lots of emails like this: 

It is my great honour to reward you for your charity work in poor countries.  Without your efforts, many poor people in Africa and Asia would have died.

Laughing out loud!





a gaffe – an unintentional act or remark causing embarrassment to its originator; a blunder

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