Thursday 26 January 2023

Live Long and Prosper —長寿と繁栄を-

My six year old son loves money. 

I wanted to teach him about the purpose of money, how to use it, and how some coins can be gathered together and exchanged for a single coin, which has the same value.  So a year ago or so I gave him some 1 Yen, 5 Yen, and 10 Yen coins.  I sometimes give him a little extra money as a present, especially if he has been very helpful around the house. 

He doesn’t like to spend his money.  He just gathers it all together in a pile and counts it, like Scrooge. 

My son once saw a 5 Yen coin lying on the ground, and was delighted.  Now, when we go out for a doughnut or lunch somewhere, he scans the pavement, searching for more dropped money. 

Last weekend, my wife took my son to Jindaiji temple.  There is a shrine dedicated to Enmei Kannon-sama.  This deity helps to grant longevity.  If you let the smoke waft over you, it is supposed to extend your life. 

Because I was working that day, I didn’t join them in the temple.  But my wife explained the benefits of the smoke to our son. 

“But what about Daddy?” he said.  “Mummy will live longer, and I will live longer, but not Daddy.” 

“Yes, you’re right,” said my wife.  “That’s too bad for Daddy.” 

My son quickly responded, “What will happen to Daddy’s money when he dies?”


a deity – a god or goddess, in a religion which has many gods and goddesses

longevity – long life

to waft – to pass gently through the air, often of a smell or sound

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