Thursday 16 March 2023

After the End -終わりのあと-

“Daddy, what would happen if everyone in the world died except you and me and Mummy?” my son asks me. 

“Well, that would be difficult,” I say.  “There would be no doctors, for example, and many dangerous animals would start to spread.  What do you think would happen?” I ask him. 

He thinks about it for a while, then gets excited.  “I could get all the money!” 

“You could get all the money, but you couldn’t spend it,” I tell him.  “If there are no people to give the money to, then it is useless.” 

“But I could just take things from shops,” he says.  I could take anything I wanted from the supermarket, or even the convenience store.” 

I can see he is imagining an unending supply of chocolate doughnuts from 7/11.

I am starting to get worried by this post-Apocalyptic fantasy.  With only one woman left alive, my wife is going to have to have more kids to repopulate the human race.  And if she has a daughter, she will one day have to marry her bloated brother, whose daily diet of chocolate covered doughnuts over the years has caused terrible obesity and tooth decay. 

Life is probably better with other people after all.



post-Apocalyptic – after a worldwide disaster

bloated – swollen with fluid or gas


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