Thursday 6 April 2023

The Power of Bacon -ベーコンの力-

Yesterday I ate a very interesting doughnut.  It was a cinnamon and bacon doughnut.  It was basically sweet, but with little flakes of bacon on top.  If it sounds strange, just think of the common American breakfast of bacon and pancakes.  If bacon goes well with maple syrup and pancakes, then why not with cinnamon? 

My wife bought that doughnut for me because she knows that I am addicted to bacon.  The best part of a holiday is the thought that I can have a fry up with breakfast at the hotel every morning. 

So to celebrate the power of bacon, I have decided to introduce some English idioms involving bacon.  See if you can guess what they mean.


1 – to bring home the bacon. 

This is a casual phrase.  It means to be the (main) source of a family’s earnings.  For example, “I don’t really want to work, but somebody has to bring home the bacon.”


2 – to save someone’s bacon 

This is a casual phrase.  It means to help someone out of a dangerous or very difficult situation. 

For example, “You really saved my bacon yesterday.  Thanks for reminding me of my wife’s birthday.  I had totally forgotten.”


3 – like a doughnut without bacon 

This means to be lacking some key ingredient.  For example, “Your smartphone doesn’t have a camera?  That’s like a doughnut without bacon!” 

Okay, let me be honest.  I made that last one up.



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