Thursday 25 May 2023

19 Per Cent (ジャパン・タイムズに記事が掲載されました)

I wrote an article for the Japan Times recently about the following statistic: Only 19 per cent of disabled people of working age in Japan are in employment. 

You can read the article here: Japan Times記事リンク(2023/5/22)


Here are a few words which appear in the article:

a stigma – a negative mark which is attached to behaviours, characteristics etc. which are seen as shameful

(eg. “He will always carry the stigma of having been in prison.”)

a self-fulfilling prophesy – A prediction about what will happen in the future, which makes that future more likely to come true

(eg. “For a sportsperson to believe that they will lose the next match becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.  They will try less hard, and are unlikely to win.”)

a quota – A fixed share of something that a certain group is entitled to receive

(eg. “A certain quota of the university’s places is reserved for students who live locally.”)


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