Thursday 16 November 2023

Building a Path to Heaven -天国までの道を作ること

It occurred to me today that God is in the construction business.  “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” 

So maybe our image of what God is and what God wants from us has been wrong.  Imagine God with a hard hat on his head, a cigarette between his lips, a high visibility jacket over his work clothes, and his hands shovelling ingredients into a mixer.  He is watching the mixing process carefully, making sure that it is just the right consistency to make a new universe. 

With this view of the creator deity, what would be required to get into heaven? 

After his heart attack, the priest steps up to the holy gates.  A rough looking angel puts down a can of grease he has been using to oil the holy hinges. 

“Ho there, mate,” says the angel.  “Where do you think you’re going?” 

The priest turns away from the gates to heaven nervously.  “Am I not able to enter?” he asks.  “I have always tried to live a good life, sitting in quiet contemplation of God.” 

“You can’t get in till you pass the test first,” says the angel. 

The priest starts thinking furiously.  I never killed anyone.  I think I loved my neighbor, didn’t I?  I led a quiet life, full of prayers every day.  Won’t that make God happy? 

The angel hands over an exam paper, and the priest scans down the list of questions. 

Q1 - What have you built to add to the universe? Q2 -  Did you leave God’s universe as neat and tidy as you found it.  Q3 - How many sick days did you take off?  Q4 - How dirty and scratched have your hands become? 

“Oh, bugger,” thinks the priest.


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