Thursday 17 December 2015

Good news for grumpy people -イガイガする人に良いニュース-

“My favourite shows on tv have 12 minutes of advertising.  I can’t get behind that kind of time!”
“I can’t understand why the price of gas suddenly rises when oil goes up but takes months to go down long after oil falls.  I can’t get behind any of that!”
William Shatner and Henry Rollins on the very grumpy song, “I can’t get behind that”
I wrote a couple of weeks ago that I am entering the grumpiest time of life.  Having just passed my 35th birthday, I can confirm that I am at least 10 per cent grumpier than before.  Why is cheese so expensive in Japan?  Are cows in Hokkaido given a daily massage and a personalised fitness regime?  There’s just so much to be grumpy about!
Still, it’s not all doom and gloom for us curmudgeons.  How many times have you heard that it is important to keep a positive attitude?  How many times have you heard that stress kills?  Urban legend would have it that viruses run away from a friendly smile.
A massive study carried out by academics at the University of New South Wales and Oxford University has found the opposite.  They studied nearly 1 million women to investigate whether there was a link between being unhappy or stressed and increased rates of death.  The study tracked 700,000 women for 10 years, during which time 30,000 of them died.  The women were asked to rate how happy or stressed they felt.  After adjusting for lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking, and levels of exercise, the study showed that unhappy women and happy women died at the same rate.
Previous studies which had suggested that there was a link between unhappiness and early death had been confusing cause and effect.  People who were unhappy or stressed were more likely to smoke or engage in unhealthy behaviour.  This could then kill them.  Alternatively, people who were already ill or dying were obviously more likely to be unhappy and stressed.
Smiling doesn’t keep away viruses after all.
Hang on a minute.  This study only examined the effects on women!  Maybe grumpiness does kill men after all.  Damn!  My grumpy wife will be moaning into her nineties and I might choke to death on my grumpiness any day.  It’s just another example of how the world is so unfair!
I’m off to pour myself a drink and light a cigar. 

to get behind something – to support something

gas – In British English, we would say, “petrol”; fuel which powers your car
a regime - a method of organising something
an urban legend – a common belief passed from person to person, which is not based on science or proper research
to track something – to follow or check the progress of something
to hang on – to pause or stop for a moment
to moan – to complain in a nagging way
to choke – to find it hard to breathe or to suffocate
a cigar – something which is smoked, it is larger than a cigarette and contains tobacco


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