Thursday 29 December 2016

A modest 5-point plan for self improvement in 2017 -2017年の自己改善に向けた控えめな5項目プラン-

At New Year it is customary to make resolutions.  These are promises you make to yourself, for the purpose of self improvement.

To make sure I stick to my resolutions, I have decided to write them down here.  That way, if anybody sees that I am failing to stick to them, they can make me re-read my blog and force me to try harder.
Here are my five modest resolutions.
Eat more chocolate
I like my dentist.  His eyes light up when he talks about teeth.  Sometimes when he’s explaining some procedure he wants to do, he pulls out a model of a man’s skull, with jaws and teeth, and runs his fingers over it in excitement.
If I’m going to see more of him next year, I’m going to have to eat more sugar.
Put away that exercise bike
Who have I been trying to fool?  That exercise bike just sits in the corner.  And sometimes I bump into it if I’m going somewhere useful, like to the drinks cabinet. 
Start smoking cigars again
Now that I have a young son, it is important that he knows how harmful smoking is.  I had better start again, so that he can see me coughing.
Study Japanese less
Nobody likes a swot.
Put on weight
It would make my wife feel much better.  Every day she would look at me and feel slim.  I would have to put on an awful lot of weight though... 

to stick to – of a plan, promise etc., to persevere; to continue as originally planned
for one’s eyes to light up – for someone to show their excitement in their expression
to fool (someone) – to make someone believe in a lie
a cigar – a kind of rolled up tobacco, which is bigger than a cigarette, and which is not directly inhaled when smoked
a swot – a slang term for someone who studies too much; a teacher’s pet

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