Thursday 23 March 2017

An alien encounter in Saitama -埼玉で宇宙人に遭遇-

Have you heard about the strange incident which happened recently in a remote location in Saitama? 

Someone saw a really weird creature just standing there in a field and staring at them.  This creature was huge.  It was perhaps 50 times bigger than the person who saw it.  It seemed to have a face a bit like a human’s, with eyes and ears.  But it was a horrible face, long and stretched, and it moved its mouth round and round in some odd pattern, dribbling and drooling green liquid.  The huge creature had four legs.  And it had an absolutely horrible smell.  You could smell the thing long before you got close.
If you had suddenly come across this weird creature in Saitama, how would you have reacted?  You probably would have screamed, and been terrified for the rest of the day.
That’s exactly what happened to my seven month old son when we took him to a dairy farm in Saitama.  He had never seen any animals in his whole life up until that point.  Then he smelled, and saw, a big dairy cow chewing grass and staring at him.  Of course, compared to a baby, a cow is very big.  My son wouldn’t stop crying and, as we led him away, he kept turning to look back and see if the horrible creature was still there.
I wonder what he thought it was?  If he had no idea that animals other than humans existed, did he see it as a really ugly human?  Was he worried that we were going to pass him over for the cow to cuddle and kiss?
Or did he react like we would upon seeing an alien – meeting something totally outside his experience and expectation and trying desperately to figure out if it was going to attack him?
The next time we introduce an alien creature to our son, we’ll start with a hamster and work our way up from there.

a remote location – a distant or hard to reach place
to dribble – for liquid to fall in slow drops or a trickle; to allow saliva to drop from one’s mouth
to drool – to allow saliva to drop uncontrollably from one’s mouth
dairy – milk or milk products


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