Thursday 12 July 2018

How you feel when it rains cheese sandwiches -雨のようにチーズサンドが天から降ったら、どう思うか-

For several years I have mostly been eating cheese sandwiches for lunch.  I don’t have much time to prepare lunch between lessons and I can’t really be bothered cooking and cleaning dishes twice in one day.  So a cheese sandwich is a very easy way to fill my stomach.  I don’t add any butter, or vegetables.  It’s not a cheese and butter sandwich, or a cheese and pickle sandwich, or a cheese and tomato sandwich.  It’s a cheese sandwich.
But last week I found myself thinking about making lunch, and sighing.  “Oh God, not another cheese sandwich,” I thought.  I searched for some tuna fish, but couldn’t find any.  I looked in the fridge for some tofu, but there was a tofu-sized empty spot on the shelf.  I looked for some soup, but the cupboard was bare.
My 2,000th cheese sandwich stared at me, ugly and cold and unwelcoming, and I had no choice but to accept it.  I ate the cheese sandwich, and then a packet of natto to help me forget the taste.
My sudden realisation that I hated cheese sandwiches reminded me of a story from the Bible.  The Israelites had been slaves in Egypt.  But they listened to the advice of Moses and escaped into the desert.  When they arrived there was little to eat and the people complained to Moses, “When we were in Egypt we had fish and bread and vegetables to eat.  Why have you taken us here where there is nothing to eat?  Are we to starve here?”
God heard their complaints and caused cheese sandwiches to fall from Heaven.  They then ate the cheese sandwiches every day for forty years until they reached a new homeland.  I’ll bet that they felt the same way about cheese sandwiches that I do!
Well, no, not really.  It wasn’t cheese sandwiches in the Bible story.  It actually says that it rained manna from Heaven.  Manna was a kind of wafer made with honey.
I have been making more of an effort to vary my lunch diet recently.  When I have time, I make the evening’s dinner salad at lunchtime, and eat some of it with my lunch.  I always have kimchi in the fridge to eat as a side dish.  And I found out where my wife had hidden the tuna fish.  The cheese sandwich rainy season is over.

can’t be bothered (doing something) – feel that it is not worth the effort or are too lazy to do something
to sigh - to let out a long deep breath, expressing an emotion such as disappointment
bare – empty; having no objects on it
to vary one’s diet – to eat different kinds of food, not just the same thing or few things

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