Thursday 13 September 2018

Four bellies and a funeral -4つの太っ腹と1つの葬式-

“In order to prepare this speech [for his funeral], I rang a few people to get a general picture of how Gareth was regarded by those who met him: Fat seems to have been a word most people connected with him.”
From 1994 film, “Four Weddings and a Funeral”

How did Britain get so fat?
When I was going to school in the mid-1990s, there weren’t many fat kids around.  We had an image of America as a land of fat people, not the UK.  A popular film of the time was, “Four Weddings and a Funeral”.  The British characters were slim and witty, and they poked fun at the one fat character, who had an early funeral.  But since the 1990s, rates of obesity have almost doubled in the UK.  27 per cent of British people are now classified as obese.  This compares to just 4 per cent of Japanese people.  63 per cent of Britons are classified as overweight.  We are now the fattest country in Western Europe.
Japanese people are quick to say, “You should lose weight.”  People are much slower to say that in the UK.  I met my Japanese wife when she was living in Britain.  When I introduced her to my parents, my mum said that she was very thin and encouraged her to eat more.  But as soon as my wife went back to Japan, her friends said, “My God, you’re so fat!”  And I’m glad that they did, since she went on a diet!  Living in Britain on a diet of late-night kebabs, pints of beer and Cadbury’s chocolate bars from vending machines is not good for your weight, or long-term health.
Maybe Britons are fattening themselves up in preparation for The Apocalypse.  Every day the news is full of gloomy predictions about how much poorer we will be after Brexit, or stories of Russian spies running around poisoning people, or the worsening effects of global warming.  Perhaps people are building up their stores of fat in case the food supply runs out.  In that case, we need some more positivity.  Sit down and relax.  Society is not going to collapse any time soon.  Have a carrot.

obesity – Excessive fatness – According to British official statistics, people are obese if their body mass index is over 30
overweight – fat - According to official British statistics, people are overweight if their body mass index is over 25
to fatten (something) up – Usually of animals, to deliberately overfeed in order to make something fatter
The Apocalypse – A worldwide disaster triggering the end of the world
gloomy – dark; depressing

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