Thursday 4 June 2020

The Little Sumo’s first adventure, part 2 -小さなお相撲さんの初めての冒険 パート2-

In part 1, Mummy and Daddy and the three year-old little sumo went for a walk in Tokyo and became thirsty.  They saw a vending machine selling “Moon Cola”, and decided to buy some.  But after putting their money in the vending machine, nothing happened.  So the little sumo pulled open the front of the machine, and they all climbed inside to take a look around. 

Just then the door closed behind them!  For a moment it was dark, but soon a pale grey light began to shine inside the little box.  Then they could hear a voice – a sort of shiny, metal, vending machine voice – and it was saying, “Five, four, three, two, one…” 

“Oh dear,” said Mummy.  “I hope we will be all right. 


Lift off!” said the vending machine. 

And it began to rise off the ground. 

When a rocket lifts off, the astronauts have to lie flat, because it feels like they are being pushed very hard towards the ground.  It is like lying in bed and being sat on by an elephant.  But the vending machine was different.  Going up in a vending machine feels a bit like going up in an elevator.  You feel a little bit dizzy, but you don’t have to lie down. 

“Look!” shouted the little sumo, “I have found a window!” 

On the far side of the little box, one part of the wall was made of glass.  The glass was at just about the right height for the little sumo to look out of, but Mummy and Daddy had to crouch down to look through it. 

“There’s the train station!” said Daddy. 

“And there’s our house!” said Mummy. 

The vending machine was rising higher and higher, and Tokyo was becoming smaller and smaller.  Soon they couldn’t see individual buildings or people, but they could see the whole of Tokyo below them, and the sea, in Tokyo Bay. 

“It looks amazing!” said Mummy. 

But suddenly everything outside the little window became white. 

“What has happened?” asked Daddy.  “Why can’t we see anything any more?” 

“Maybe it is snowing?” said the little sumo.  “Maybe that is why everything is white.” 

The vending machine went up some more, and a white cloud suddenly appeared below them. 

“We couldn’t see anything because we were inside a cloud!” said Daddy.  “And now that we are above it, we can see again!” 

The vending machine kept going up and up, and soon they could see the Earth below them. 

“I hope we will be safe,” said Mummy.  “I have never been in space before.  I wonder where the vending machine can be taking us?  All we did was try to buy some Moon Cola.  We didn’t ask to go into space!” 

“Moon Cola?” said the little sumo.  “Then maybe the vending machine is taking us to the moon!” 


I didn’t have enough space in today’s blog to finish the story.  So I will have to finish it in part 3 next week.  How will Mummy, Daddy and the little sumo survive in space?  Will they ever get to drink that Moon Cola?  Find out next time!


Lift off – This is said when a rocket is fired and begins to rise above the surface of the Earth

to feel dizzy – to have a feeling of spinning around, and losing your balance

to crouch down–to bend your legs to make your body or head lower

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