Wednesday 10 June 2020

The Little Sumo’s first adventure, part 3 -小さなお相撲さんの初めての冒険 パート3-

In the story so far, Mummy, Daddy, and the little sumo (three years old) tried to buy some Moon Cola from a vending machine.  The front of the vending machine opened and they went inside.  Then the vending machine rose above the Earth like a rocket with the three inside… 

The vending machine kept going up and up, and soon they could see the Earth below them. 

“I hope we will be safe,” said Mummy.  “I have never been in space before.  I wonder where the vending machine can be taking us?  All we did was try to buy some Moon Cola.  We didn’t ask to go into space!” 

“Moon Cola?” said the little sumo.  “Then maybe the vending machine is taking us to the moon!” 


The little sumo was right.  Soon through the window, they could see a silvery grey shape. 

“What’s that?” asked the little sumo.  “It looks like the silver coin we put into the vending machine!” 

“That’s the moon!” said Daddy.  “It looks silvery grey because there is no water, and no grass on it.  And it is getting closer!” 

The surface of the moon got closer and closer, and then the vending machine landed on the surface with a little bump. 

“Oh dear!” said Mummy.  “There is no water or grass on the moon.  There is no air on the moon either!  We didn’t bring any space-suits with us, so we can’t breathe if we go outside!” 

“Yes, you’re right!” said Daddy.  “Maybe we should ask the vending machine to take us back to Earth.” 

The little sumo was about to start looking for a button which might make the vending machine go back to Earth, when he noticed something moving outside the window.  It was a large grey creature with three legs and eight arms, and its head was growing out of its belly button.  In one of its arms it seemed to be holding something shiny and red.  It started running towards the vending machine. 

“Oh dear,” said Daddy.  “I think it wants to chop and eat us.  Quickly, let’s try to find a button which will take us back to Earth!” 

Click! – Clang!  Kloonk – Klunk!  The moon monster was feeling and pushing against the outside of the vending machine. 

Just then the little sumo saw a blue and green button next to the window.  He pressed it! 

And then they could see the moon monster getting smaller below them.  The vending machine was rising high above the moon.  The little sumo watched as the moon monster waved his eight arms at them.  “That’s strange,” he said.  “It is not holding that shiny red thing in its hand any more.” 

“Never mind that,” said Daddy.  “Well done for finding the right button, little sumo!  I think we are going back to the Earth now.” 

The vending machine rose high above the moon, then turned around and began to drop slowly towards the Earth.  Looking through the window, Mummy, Daddy and the little sumo saw the Earth, then they passed through a white cloud, then they saw Tokyo getting bigger before them, and finally landed in the same spot where the grey vending machine had always been. 

Mummy opened the door and they all got out of the vending machine, and looked about at the ordinary street of Tokyo. 

“That was lucky,” said Daddy.  “I thought that the moon monster was going to attack and break the vending machine.” 

“Let’s go back home!” said Mummy. 

“Wait!” said the little sumo.  “I want to check and see if we can get our Moon Cola.” 

The little sumo opened the flap at the bottom of the vending machine, to search where the drinks usually fall into when you select and pay for them.  He felt around with his hand until he touched something cold.  He pulled it out.  It was a shiny red can of Moon Cola. 

“So the moon monster wasn’t trying to chop and eat us,” said Daddy. 

“No,” said Mummy.  “He was giving us our Moon Cola.” 

“I wonder what Moon Cola tastes like?” said the little sumo, and he smiled happily.


to chop something–to cut something up into small pieces with repeated strong blows or cuts (eg. I chopped some vegetables to make a salad.)

a flap – a thin covering which hangs in front of an opening, and which can be pushed or pulled open (eg. A cat flap is a door which cats can push open)

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