Thursday 2 July 2020

Teaching a Pig to Sing -豚に歌うのを教えること-

I recently read an old sci-fi novel.  It was Robert A. Heinlein’s book, “Time enough for love”.  One of the characters gives out life advice throughout the story.  Some of his advice is very interesting.  Here are a few quotes from the book.

1 - “Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.”

This reminds me of my attempts to learn to speak Chinese.  My teacher spent months trying to teach me to recognise the difference in tone of four words which sounded to me like, ma, ma, ma, and ma.  This pig never learned to sing.

2 – “Never try to out-stubborn a cat.”

Cats don’t change their ways to suit humans.  In the news today there was a story about a cat who returned home 12 years after jumping out of a window and running away.  He didn’t even say sorry, but went straight to the place where his food bowl had been kept.

3 – “A society that gets rid of all of its trouble-makers goes downhill.”

This makes me think of recent demonstrations in Hong Kong.  Young demonstrators have certainly caused a lot of trouble for the city.  But maybe it is a scarier situation when no one is brave enough to cause any trouble at all.

4 – “Delusions are often functional.  A mother’s opinions about her childrens intelligence, beauty, goodness, etc. keep her from drowning them.”

Sometimes it is best to pretend.  I am still as handsome and desirable as I was twenty years ago.

5 – “If you are part of a society that votes, then do so.  There may be no candidates and no measure that you want to vote for…  But there are certain to be ones that you want to vote against.”

This is timely advice for the upcoming election for Tokyo governor.


to be stubborn – to be unwilling to change your opinion or attitude; to be hard-headed

to go downhill – to become worse

a delusion – an imagined and false reality

to be functional – to have a practical purpose

to drown someone – to kill someone by forcing their head underwater

a measure – a policy or plan or proposal to change something

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