Thursday 15 April 2021

I Interview a Man who Owns a Moon -僕は衛星所有者にインタビューする-

I recently travelled to the future, to interview a successful entrepreneur for the magazine High-flier.  The entrepreneur Sir Muster will be very successful in 50 years, and he kindly loaned me his company’s time machine to allow me to do the interview.  I have printed a part of it below. 

This week High-flier News had the opportunity for an exclusive interview with Sir Muster, the Solar System’s superstar entrepreneur, XYZ Group founder, multi trillionaire, moon owner, philanthropist and adventurer. This man needs no further introduction from us. You have probably already read one of his best-selling books, such as, “If It Ain’t Broke, Break It.”  But even if not, you’ve definitely heard about some of his latest ventures, such as XYZ Time Travel. 

Our reporter William Lang joined him for a cup of coffee and an exclusive chat.

WL: It feels like Santa has come early.  I’m here with XYZ founder, Sir Muster, and I can ask him anything I want.  So, Sir Muster, have I been pronouncing your group correctly?  Is it “Ziz,” or “Ecksiz?” 

SM: You choose. 

WL: Okay, great.  It’s like, we can all choose.  I mean, Ziz or Ecksiz: either would be okay.  I think that’s so clever.

So, I want to get one of your kind of catch-phrases out of the way first.  You have caused a certain amount of controversy by adopting the slogan for your group, “Be evil.”  Do you believe that people are born evil, or is this something that we have to work at or can be kind of like taught? 

SM: Everyone is born at least a little evil, and everyone has the potential to develop their capacity for evil. It’s just that not everybody gets the opportunity. I believe that evil has a positive impact on all of our lives if done well, and it has the power to change humanity for the better. Over the years at XYZ we have found ways to tap into and develop man’s natural capacity for evil. 

This is why we have partnered with Pyongyang Business School and the Tranquility School of Economics to provide over £40 billion for thousands of aspiring evil-doers across Earth and Luna, whilst providing expert guidance on everything from building better nuclear weapons to off-planet tax havens

I’ve always been passionate about supporting evil; it is the lifeblood of creativity. 

WL: It’s so nice when someone gives back to their fans.  I know that there are so many out there who are inspired by you.  It’s so rare these days that someone would, you know, make the time to give back to the community.  By the way, I think your outfit is terrific. 

SM: Thanks.  I’m dressed as Mothra from the classic Godzilla series.  I find it reminds the XYZ staff of where we are trying to get to, and keeps them on their toes.  The death ray is functional, but it’s more of an ornamental thing than a practical consideration.

You’ll have to wait 50 years to read the full interview in High-flier magazine.



an entrepreneur – someone who starts new companies or businesses

a philanthropist – someone who donates a lot of money to good causes, to help humanity

a capacity for something – the maximum amount that something can be done, stored, etc.

to tap into something – to make use of something, exploit something

a tax haven – a place, often where companies make their headquarters, where taxes are very low

to keep someone on their toes – to keep someone feeling nervous or uncomfortable


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