Thursday 22 April 2021

I Wonder -私は不思議に思う-


I wonder how cavemen cut their toenails?  Can you imagine how difficult it would be without using scissors? 

I think cavemen would have bitten their fingernails to keep them short.  But you can’t bite your own toenails.  Maybe, if you were a caveman, you would have to ask someone else to bite them for you. 

“Mummy!  My toenails are getting long.  I can’t walk!” 

“Can’t you wait a little longer?  I hate biting your toenails.  Your feet smell so bad!” 

“Mummy, how can you say that?  I had a bath only three months ago.”



I wonder who drank cow’s milk for the very first time? 

Just what was he trying to do?  And what did his fellow tribesmen think when they saw him doing it?


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