Thursday 30 September 2021

Perseverance in Japan -日本での忍耐力- ジャパンタイムズに記事が掲載されました

I wrote an article recently for the Japan Times about the importance of perseverance in Japanese culture. 

The article mentions a colleague of mine who wanted to start studying a martial art at a Japanese dojo.  When he went there to ask about lessons, he was told that he would have to wait to see the instructor.  He had to wait several hours before the sensei emerged.  The instructor told him that he deliberately made him wait so long to test his patience.  He only wanted to instruct students who were totally committed. 

I might try the same thing with my English students.  You can keep ringing my doorbell, but I won’t answer until you have proven your commitment. 

Here is the article: ジャパンタイムズ記事リンク(2021/9/27)


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