Thursday 7 October 2021

The Spy who Loved Me -私を愛したスパイ-

The new James Bond movie is being released in some countries.  A lot of people are excited, since the movie’s release was delayed several times because of the coronavirus pandemic. 

The Bond movies are famous for spectacular stunts, a luxurious lifestyle of fast cars and Martinis, and beautiful “Bond girls”.  James Bond seems to have difficulty maintaining a long term relationship with any of these women.  Maybe it is too difficult to have a long-term girlfriend when you are regularly travelling around, saving the world.  And even if Bond could keep a girlfriend, would it be a happy relationship for his partner? 


His proposal of marriage was certainly memorable.  Instead of going down on one knee and asking me to marry him, he booked a luxury room in an underwater hotel.  There was a window in our room, which looked out into the ocean.  You could see fish swimming past the window, because the room was 10 metres underwater. 

One morning I awoke to the sound of an alarm clock.  My boyfriend wasn’t in the bed next to me.  I turned the alarm clock off and, as I did so, I found a note next to it.  On the note was written, “Look out of the window, darling.” 

So I ran to the curtains and opened them.  My boyfriend was there, outside the window.  He wasn’t wearing a diving suit.  He was just holding his breath.  He pulled out a note from his swimming trunks, and held it up against the window.  It said, “Will you marry me, darling?” 

Well, I didn’t have much time to think.  I thought he would run out of air if I waited too long, so I held up a thumb and nodded my head.  My boyfriend kissed the glass, then pushed a button on his swimming trunks.  I think he had some sort of clever device attached, because he suddenly shot up to the surface in a cloud of bubbles. 

On our tenth wedding anniversary, my husband suggested that we celebrate by drinking champagne in a private aeroplane, while watching the sunrise. 

When I got to the airport at the time we had arranged, he still wasn’t there.  But he called me to say that he would meet me on the plane.  So I boarded.  The funny thing was, he wasn’t inside.  I wasn’t sure what to do, so I just sat in my seat and read an in-flight magazine. 

The plane took off.  An attendant brought me some champagne.  Next to the champagne there was a note.  The note said, “Look out of the window, darling.” 

“Not again,” I thought.  Couldn’t he just give me some flowers or chocolate like a normal man?



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