Thursday 14 October 2021

The Sand in your Eyes -目の中の砂-

Do you ever wake up with something small and hard, like a grain of sand in the corner of your eye?  If so, then you have been visited by the Sandman.  According to legend, he throws sand into the eyes of sleepers.  In some tales he does this to give them pleasant dreams. 

In the 1954 song by the Chordettes (which is the most famous version), the Sandman also has a “magic beam.”  Perhaps he is carrying a torch, which produces a magical beam of light, allowing him to see into a sleeper’s dreams.


Edited extract from, “Mr. Sandman,” by the Chordettes:

Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream

Make him the cutest that I’ve ever seen.

Give him two lips like roses and clover

Then tell him that his lonely nights are over


Sandman, I’m so alone

Don’t have [anybody] to call my own

Please turn on your magic beam

Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream


And what were you dreaming of last night?  Why is there so much sand in your eyes?  Don’t overuse that magic beam.  Lips like roses and clover can be addictive, you know.


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