Thursday 7 July 2022

The Greatest Movie Sequels Never Made-まだ作られていない名作映画の続編-

Recently there has been a spate of sequels to old movies which were box office hits in the 1980s.  One of my favourite ever movies is Blade Runner, made in 1982.  It recently had a disappointing sequel, Blade Runner 2049.  And this year sees the release of Top Gun: Maverick, in which the 60 year old Tom Cruise revisits a character he last played in 1986. 

Clearly the movie studios are trying to sell nostalgia.  People who grew up in the 1980s may associate these classic movies with their happier, brighter lives as youngsters. 

So, if this trend continues, what other movie sequels can we expect to see?  Will these movies soon be appearing in a cinema near you?:


1 – When Harry Divorced Sally 

In the 1989 film, “When Harry Met Sally”, Meg Ryan’s character and Billy Crystal’s character take 12 long years to fall in love after their first meeting.  In this sequel, they will take 12 long years to get divorced, slowly realising each other’s faults.  This is a gritty human drama.


2 – ET2: Stopped at Immigration 

In the 1982 original, a cute extra terrestrial is helped by a child to “go home” – to escape Earth and the American government which wants to study him.  In this sequel, ET changes his mind and comes back to Earth, but Donald Trump won’t let him enter America and tells him to go home.  This is a political thriller.


3 – Back to the Future, part 4: Back to the 1980s 

Marty McFly must travel back to the 1980s to save his tamagotchi, which his great rival Biff wants to kill.  Using the technology of the day, such as the Sony Walkman, his synthesizers, and a glow in the dark yo-yo, Marty must save the day.  This is a nostalgia piece.



a spate of something – a large number of similar things coming in quick succession (For example: There has been a spate of mass shootings in the U.S. recently.)

gritty – tough and realistic, not hiding unpleasant truths or scenes


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