Thursday 13 July 2023

A Very Naked Mouse —とても裸のネズミ—

Scientists revealed this week that they had successfully developed a technique for testing cancer drugs, using a see-through mouse.

All of the fats and pigmentation are removed from a dead mouse, making it transparent.  The end result looks like a plastic toy.  The researchers can then detect tiny cancers within the mouse’s body, or the effects that drugs have had on the mouse’s body, that they would otherwise have missed.

I wonder how this technique will be developed and used in the future?

How about see-through clothes for nudists?  For nudists who want to show off their bodies on a cold day, they will be able to wear clothes made of transparent mouse skin.

Cruel jokes played on vegetarians?  Pranksters will put transparent mice in the meals of vegetarians, who will not notice the mice meat until it is too late.

Honestly, I hope this research has some genuine benefits.  It’s not such a great life to be a mouse.


pigmentation – the natural or internal colouring of animals or plants [eg., Due to illness, the baby’s skin had a yellow pigmentation.]

transparent – of a substance, able to be seen through [eg., Glass is usually transparent.]

a prankster – someone who plays practical jokes [eg., A tv show used hidden cameras to record the surprised reaction of the public as pranksters played practical jokes.]


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