Thursday 6 July 2023

The American Mowgli

I heard an interesting story from the 1950s, which gives some insight into the different roles played by nature and nurture in developing someone’s character. 

An American family took a trip deep into the countryside.  Unfortunately, their two-year old child ran off and became lost in the wilderness.  The family searched for the child, but couldn’t find him.  Eventually, they gave up searching. 

Then, four years later, the child was found by a different group of travellers.  The child was running along the ground on all fours, along with a pack of dogs.  The child howled and barked like a dog, and ate raw meat like a dog. 

Well, of course the child was rescued and returned to its family.  Little by little he learned to behave like a human once more.  He learned to walk on two legs, to eat with a knife and fork, and to speak English. 

The child was very intelligent and progressed rapidly.  He did well in his school studies, catching up with the other children.  Eventually, he managed to pass his exams and made it into Harvard University at the age of 18. 

Unfortunately, he died in a traffic accident shortly thereafter, when he tried to chase a car down the road. 


This is of course not a true story.  It is a retelling of a joke told by 1950s American comedian, Lenny Bruce.


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