Thursday, 27 February 2020

What It’s Like for a Foreigner Going Blind in Japan -外国人が日本で目が不自由になるってどんな感じ-ジャパンタイムズに記事が掲載れさました

I have just written an article about going blind in Japan, which was published in The Japan Times.  I have heard that it has some cute illustrations.  Please take a look and tell me who is cuter – me or the character?
[ウィルのジャパンタイムズの記事リンク 2020/2/27]

In the article I mention some of the interesting things which happened to me when I lost my eyesight.  I talk about nearly getting run over by a truck, being thrown out of a bar, beingsaved by a vending machine, and feeling a tingle of excitement when a civil servant suddenly holds my hands.

It is quite long, and probably difficult for non-native speakers to follow.  But at least you can enjoy the cute pictures.


to be run over – to be hit by a car or vehicle, and for it to drive over the top of your body

to be thrown out (of a bar) – to be forced to leave (a bar)

a tingle - a feeling when your nerves are excited, often feeling like pins and needles

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