Thursday, 22 February 2024

Throw the Book at him, Officer! —お巡りさん、彼を厳しく罰してください—

This week the Nebraska Police Department released some video footage of a drunk driver being arrested.  He was not only driving under the influence of alcohol, but was also driving in the opposite lane, towards oncoming traffic.  Dangerous driving indeed! 

And how did the police manage to catch this poor alcohol befuddled criminal? 

He called the police himself, to complain when another car passed perilously close, seeming to him to be driving down the wrong lane. 

So you can add use of a mobile phone while driving to the long list of charges.



To throw the book at someone – to punish someone severely

[eg., This is the third time he has been caught stealing.  This time the judge is going to throw the book at him.]

to be befuddled – to be unable to think clearly; to be very confused

[eg., The philosopher’s argument left me befuddled.]

perilously – in a way that is full of danger or risk

[eg., That house is perilously close to the edge of the cliff.]


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