Wednesday 6 February 2019

A little sunshine in a spotted mind -欠点のある精神に少しの日差し-

I sometimes wish I could lose some of my negative memories.  My memories are not any more negative than most people’s, but they seem to get stuck in my mind.  If I have been slightly embarrassed or hurt, the memory sticks in my mind and jumps out at me for weeks, or sometimes even years.  I remember slightly misusing a word when I was in high-school, and one of my friends laughing at me for making the mistake.  It is still a little painful to remember the scene and the embarrassment I felt, even though I know it was an extremely minor incident.  In the future, could a doctor cut out the painful memory?  If he did, would I still be the same person?
You don’t often hear people bemoaning the state of their mind, and wishing they had a different one: “I’m so neurotic.  I’m thinking of having a little surgery done on my brain – You know, a little off the frontal lobe.” Or, “I’m such a horrible racist.  What I would give for a better mind!”
People don’t have these thoughts, probably because they seem illogical.  If a mind wishes to be a different mind, then it is wishing for self-destruction.
But people frequently do wish for a different body, or improvements to various body parts: “I’ll just have a little surgery on my nose.”  Or, “What I would give to have been born with straight hair!”
Is the different attitude we take to body and mind justifiable?  When I have finished inventing my memory erasing machine, would you have certain memories erased?  Maybe I have already invented it, but have forgotten.  Maybe I have already used it on you, but you have forgotten.  Do you want those deleted memories back?

neurotic – mentally ill
the frontal lobe (of the brain) – one part of the brain
“What I would give...” – I would give a lot...; I really wish...
Illogical – lacking sense or clear, sound reasoning
self-destruction – the action of causing so much harm to yourself that you die or no longer exist
justifiable – able to be shown to be right or reasonable

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