But I have started to like the custom a
little more. There’s something positive
about changing name. It’s a little like
saying, “Let’s put all our troubles and difficulties in the past and start
After the French Revolution, the new
government tried to sweep away loyalties to the kings and religious figures of
the past by making a new calendar and starting from Year 1. The calendar remained in use for about 12
years until Napoleon switched back to the old one.
Like a French Revolutionary, why not ignore
the rest of the world and live in your own era?
Buy a calendar and cross out 2019 and replace it with your own inspiring
name – Year of Diligent Study, or Year of Eating Well, or Year of Definitely
Getting a Girlfriend. Then every day you
will be reminded to act positively towards your goal, not be stuck in the
failed ideas of the past.
Happy new era. It’s not every day that we get the chance to
start afresh from Year 1.
to sweep something away – to quickly and
completely get rid of something old
diligent – showing care in your work or
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